Image by John Price
"Hi friend. Thank you for giving Growth Journal space in your day. If you're finding it valuable, please consider sharing it with a friend or two. This week we've found pieces that will hopefully help with not only coping but even thriving in the current environment many of us are placed under. Really like the notion of time travel conducted by the astronaut.
- Patrick
How People Psychologize Unwisely by Jeremy E. Sherman
Briefly: This article begins by explaining some biases that we all sometimes indulge in, including confirmation bias. It then elaborates on how we tend to imagine some ulterior psychological motive behind anyone who criticises us, and how in doing so, we allow ourselves to be absolved from self-examination.
Why read: According to the author, whether we like it or not, when someone challenges us, we’re likely to psychologize them. If you’re interested in learning more about the concept of psychologizing and how to avoid it, this article will definitely prove to be worth a read.
Time: 8min
Surprising But Positive Consequences of Sheltering in Place by Dena Kouremetis
Briefly: This article focuses on the bright side of life, and what we as society have learned from this pandemic. It suggests that after this pandemic, there may be new and surprising changes to the world we live in -and we’re here to embrace it.
Why read: If you’re running low on your dose of positive news, this article is just for you. It’s super brief and if you’re a fast reader, will only take up a few minutes of your day.
Time: 5min
To Build Resilience in Isolation, Master the Art of Time Travel by Adam Grant
Briefly: Scot Kelly, an American astronaut, shares his advice on coping with isolation and uncertainty. He spent nearly a year in space, making him someone who’s worked remotely for more than almost anyone in history. For this reason, he has some great insight to share on mental time travel during isolation.
Why read: If you’ve ever wondered how anyone could cope living in space for nearly a year -with little control over life on earth-, this article indulges us on what life in space is like, and provides us with some insight into mental time travel, and its benefits for us in this pandemic.
Time: 4min