Photo by Nitish Meena
Growth Journal newsletter
"Hi friend. This weeks edition of Growth Digest has a number of very practical takeaways, from becoming more honest to helping others out. While I try not to fall into 'sports fan' mode in the quest for truth, it's still great to see that living virtuously also improves our own wellbeing
- Patrick
How Honesty Could Make You Happier by Judi Ketteler
Briefly: Honesty is the best policy, is an age-old proverb that we usually don’t give much thought to. But maybe we should? This article explains how limiting our little white lies has the potential to make us healthier and happier.
Why read: Reading this article actually made me chuckle to myself, as the author wittily describes her conversations with her 6 and 8 year olds around the topic of honesty. It’s a well-researched read and would be a shame to skip it!
Time: 3min
The Science of Helping Out by Amrita Marino
Briefly: Have you ever saved a kindle of kittens, or a litter of puppies and thought: “this was a financially terrible idea”? Well don’t worry, because although financially it might not have been good for you; it sure is good for your emotional health. This article details exactly why this is the case and argues for us to be more generous.
Why read: Did you know the act of giving advice has been shown to be more beneficial than receiving it? If not, then there’s one reason to read this article. It includes many scientific pearls of wisdom such as the above fact, as well as links to useful platforms that you may want to check out.
Time: 7min
What Is The Negativity Bias and How Can it be Overcome? By Catherine Moore
Briefly: The author explains to us in plain language, what negativity bias is; examples of the bias; how it influences our actions and how we can potentially overcome it.
Why read: We’ve all been there -replaying in our heads that one past awkward encounter or mistake we’ve made, feeling a little more insecure about it each time. Well now, fret (and ruminate) no more! This article is scientifically backed and has everything we need to help overcome our negativity biases.
Time: 9min
We Aren’t Built to Live in the Moment by Martin E. P. Seligman and John Tierney
Briefly: This article is co-written by the man himself – Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology. The article explains that although living in the present has its benefits, contemplating the future is just as 'healthy' and useful to us as humans.
Why read: This article is definitely worth a read, particularly during turbulent times such as the ones we currently find ourselves in. I think the message behind this article is especially powerful, as we’re all too often advised that ‘living in the now’ is the ‘best’ way to live.
Time: 4min